Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Policy

Last modified: October 14, 2024

Francis J. Daniel, DMD, PLLC, a New York professional service limited liability company (the “Company”, “We”, or “Us”) understands that your healthcare is personal and is committed to protecting your personal health information. As such, We will create a record of the care and services you receive from Us. We do so to provide you with quality care and to comply with any legal or regulatory requirements.

This Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Policy (this “HIPAA Policy”) applies only to current and prospective individuals seeking healthcare services from the Company (referred to herein collectively as “Patients”) and supplements the information in our general Privacy Policy located at If there are any inconsistencies between our general Privacy Policy and our practices as described in this HIPAA Policy, this policy will control. If you are not a Patient, this HIPAA Policy does not apply to you, and you should not rely on it.

This HIPAA Policy describes how the Company may collect, use, and disclose personal information that is considered “Personal Health Information” under applicable state law in connection with Company-owned and operated websites or digital properties that link to this HIPAA Policy and our related email, phone, and other electronic communications, and marketing activities (collectively, the “Site”), and the rights and choices available to Patients with respect to their Personal Health Information.

“Personal Health Information” refers to such term as defined under New York privacy laws, as applicable, and generally refers to personal information that is linked or reasonably linkable to a consumer and that identifies the consumer’s physical or mental health status, whether past, present, or future.

  1. This HIPAA Policy Explains:
    1. Types of Personal Health Information We Collect
    2. How We Use Your Personal Health Information
    3. Who We My Share Your Personal Health Information With
    4. Your Rights Regarding Personal Health Information
    5. Changes to our HIPAA Policy
  2. Collection of Personal Health Information.
    1. We collect the following categories of Personal Health Information directly from Patients through our Site in connection with scheduling a requested appointment, as part of completing a questionnaire to assess what solution may fit your healthcare needs, and providing you with our healthcare services:
      1. Individual health conditions or status, such as dental conditions (e.g., broken tooth, tooth pain, or painful or bleeding gums).
      1. Medical interventions or health-related procedures, such as dental history or solutions (e.g., previous procedures, surgeries, preventative care, implants, and restorations).
      2. Data that identifies a Patient seeking health care services, such as responses to your current dental situation, what is most important when choosing dental services, and how soon you plan to be ready to receives our services.
  1. Use of Personal Health Information.
    1. The Personal Health Information We collect about you or that you provide to Us is used to comprehensively understand your needs and interests, and permit Us to deliver a more consistent and personalized experience. We use Personal Health Information to:
      1. Fulfill your request to schedule appointments and provide reminders about such appointments;
      1. Understand and communicate with you about your dental history, future interest in dental solutions, and to customize content that may be of interest to you;
      1. Provide you with healthcare services, treatment, and related recommendations;
      1. Provide you with information about our products and services;
      1. Fulfill any legal requirements to comply with applicable law, governmental requests, a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process, such as in response to a court order or a subpoena (including in response to public authorities to meet national security or law enforcement requirements); and/or
      1. To bill and collect payment from you, an insurance company, or a third party. For example, We may need to give your health insurance plan information about your office visit so your health plan will pay Us or reimburse you for the visit. Alternatively, We may need to give your health information to an insurance company so that We may be reimbursed for providing services to you. In some instances, We may need to tell your health plan about a treatment you are going to receive to obtain prior approval or to determine whether your plan will cover the treatment.
      1. Assisting with public health and safety issues, such as preventing disease, helping with product recalls, reporting adverse reactions to medications, and preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety.
      1. Work with a medical examiner, coroner, or funeral director in the event a Patient dies.
    1. Where Patients utilize our call center to schedule a consultation, We and/or our service provider may record or monitor such calls for quality assurance and training purposes. We may also use the Personal Health Information identified above for internal reporting and analysis.
  1. Disclosure of Personal Health Information. We may disclose Personal Health Information to the following entities or persons as necessary to provide the requested scheduling services:
    1. Related Companies. We may disclose Personal Health Information to companies affiliated with Us (that is, that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with Us and are co-branded).
    2. Service Providers. We may disclose Personal Health Information to third parties who perform services for or on our behalf to provide our scheduling services, such as our website host, and database management.
    3. Affiliated Dental and Healthcare Providers. We may disclose your contact information, reasons for and appointment, and appointment date and time with affiliate dental and healthcare providers that you select.
    4. Insurance Companies. We may disclose Personal Health Information to insurance companies or other third parties as necessary to obtain payment for healthcare services provided.1
    5. Business Transaction Participants. If We sell all or part of our business, make a sale or transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a corporate divestiture, merger, consolidation, acquisition, reorganization, dissolution, sale, or other disposition of all or any portion of the business or assets of, or equity interests in the business (including any affiliate), whether as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, We may transfer your personal information, including Personal Health Information, to third parties as part of that transaction, including at the negotiation stage.

We do not permit third parties to collect your Personal Health Information over time and across different Internet websites or online services when you schedule an appointment through our webform or complete an online questionnaire or assessment.

  1. Rights Regarding Personal Health Information. Patients may have the following rights concerning their Personal Health Information. You may exercise these rights by submitting a request by emailing . Please note, these rights are not absolute and, in some cases, We may not be able to respond to your request, such as when a legal exemption applies or if We are not able to verify your identity.
    1. Access. Request We confirm whether We are collecting, sharing, or selling your Personal Health Information and to access such data.
    2. Portability. Request that We provide any of your Personal Health Information collected by Us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format to facilitate the portability of your Personal Health Information to you, another healthcare provider, or entity. 
    3. Amend. Request We update, and/or correct any inaccuracies to your Personal Health Information.
    4. Restrictions. Request that We restrict or limit the Personal Health Information We use or disclose about you for treatment, payment, or health care options. In some instances, We may not be required to restrict or limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Health Information. For instance, if it is not feasible for Us to ensure our compliance with applicable laws or regulations, or We believe it will negatively impact the care We may provide you.
    5. Confidentiality. Request that We communicate with you about health matters in a certain manner or at a certain location. For example, you may request that We only contact you at home, or by a specific telephone number or email address. During our Patient intake process, We will ask you how you wish to receive communications about your health care or for any other instructions on notifying you about your Personal Health Information.
    6. Delete. Request We delete your Personal Health Information.
    7. Accounting of Disclosures. Request We provide a list of all third parties and affiliates with whom We have shared your Personal Health Information, to the extent applicable.
    8. Obtain a Copy of this HIPAA Policy. Request we provide a paper copy of this HIPAA Policy at any time, even if you have agreed to receive this HIPAA Policy electronically.
    9. Notification of Breach. As required by applicable law, We notify Patients in the event that their Personal Health Information is breached by any non-authorized third-party, including providing details about the breach, the information involved, and any steps you may take to further protect your Personal Health Information.
    10. Withdraw Consent. Where We rely on your consent to collect or share your Personal Health Information, you may at any time withdraw your consent to our collection and sharing of your Personal Health Information (i.e., request We cease collecting, or sharing your Personal Health Information), to the extent applicable, as described in the notice provided to you at the time you initially consented.

If We decline to take action on your request, you may appeal such refusal by emailing Us at within a reasonable period of time after We sent you notice of our rejection.

  1. Changes to This Privacy Policy. Company reserves the right, at any time, to modify this HIPAA Policy. If We make revisions that materially change the way We collect, use, or disclose Personal Health Information, We will post those changes in this HIPAA Policy or as may otherwise be required under applicable law. You should review this HIPAA Policy periodically so that you keep up to date on our most current policies and practices. We will note the effective date of the latest version of our HIPAA Policy at the top of this page. Your continued use of the Site and our healthcare services following posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes.